Chapter 2. The User Interface

CUTE's user interface is made up of a main window with some docklets and an area for child views. A child view is a scintilla text widget, which can load a file, highlight source code, fold text, auto-complete text and so on. Only one instance of a file can be loaded at a time, to avoid overwriting previously changed files. There is a command box for running CUTE and shell commands. Available commands can be listed by pulling the list box down; it is also capable of auto-completion in the same way. CUTE commands will be described in detail later.


Options Dialog

The most important options can be set with the options dialog.

Shortcuts Dialog

Each shortcut can be set using this dialog. On double-clicking on a shortcut, a little dialog will be shown. Just type in the new key sequence. If the new shortcut is unique and not part of another one it will be accepted by the shortcut dialog. Press the OK button to confirm the new shortcut, or Cancel to undo the alteration.

Find Dialog

Searching for a string or a regular expression is done with the find dialog. After the first occurrence is found, the “Find Next” and “Find Previous” commands can be used to repeat the search.

Replace Dialog

Replacing one or more strings is done with the replace dialog. The user has to confirm each substitution (unless the “Replace All” or “Replace in Selection” button is pressed, when no confirmation is needed).

Find in Files Dialog

This dialog is a front end for grep. The search results are displayed in the search docklet with line numbers; you can double-click a result to jump to that line.

Save Dialog

When CUTE exits or a Project is closed, if necessary a Save dialog will be shown. Any unsaved modified files are listed and the user can (de)select those he wishes to save.

Project Options Dialog

Called from the Project > Options menu, this dialog allows a Project to be configured. In the General tab you can set the working directory of a Project and Select, Add or Delete a configuration. The selected configuration can be modified in the Environment and Commands sections. The project's files are listed in the Files section. Note that all file paths are displayed relative to the directory containing the project file.