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Config::ConfigModule Member List

This is the complete list of members for Config::ConfigModule, including all inherited members.
add(char *name, PyObject *obj)Config::ConfigModule
add(char *name, const char *str)Config::ConfigModule
add(char *name, int value, API::EnumModule *_enum=0)Config::ConfigModule
ConfigModule() (defined in Config::ConfigModule)Config::ConfigModule [inline]
ConfigModule(PyObject *parent, char *name)Config::ConfigModule
getEnum(std::string name)Config::ConfigModule [inline]
getInteger(char *name)Config::ConfigModule
getString(char *name)Config::ConfigModule
operator PyObject *()Config::ConfigModule [inline]
setInteger(char *name, int value)Config::ConfigModule
setString(char *name, const char *str)Config::ConfigModule

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