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Config::Lexer Member List

This is the complete list of members for Config::Lexer, including all inherited members.
addKeywords(const char *keyWordList)Config::Lexer
addProperty(std::string name, int scintillaID, int fore, char *font=0, int size=0, bool bold=false, bool italic=false, bool underline=false, int back=0, bool filleol=false)Config::Lexer
initScintilla(QextScintilla *sc)Config::Lexer
langName()Config::Lexer [inline]
Lexer(int scintillaID, char *name)Config::Lexer
LexerManager (defined in Config::Lexer)Config::Lexer [friend]
setBlockComment(QString start)Config::Lexer
setFileExtensions(QString fileExt)Config::Lexer
setLangName(const char *name)Config::Lexer [inline]
setStreamComment(QString start, QString end)Config::Lexer

Generated on Sun May 2 20:02:58 2004 by doxygen 1.3.2