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BasicOutputView Class Reference

#include <outputview.h>

Inheritance diagram for BasicOutputView:

GrepOutputView OutputView TagOutputView List of all members.

Public Slots

void slotNextMessage ()
void slotPrevMessage ()


void jump (QString fileName, unsigned int lineno)
void clearAllOutputViews ()

Public Member Functions

 BasicOutputView (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0)
void append (QString text)

Protected Slots

void slotDoubleClicked (QListBoxItem *)
void slotClearAllOutputViews ()
void insertString (QString)

Protected Member Functions

void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *)
Message message (QString msg)

Protected Attributes

QPopupMenu * contextMenu

Detailed Description

generic view for program output

Member Function Documentation

void BasicOutputView::append QString  text  ) 

appends text as new line at the end

void BasicOutputView::clearAllOutputViews  )  [signal]

emitted when all output vies should be cleared

void BasicOutputView::insertString QString   )  [protected, slot]

insert string

void BasicOutputView::jump QString  fileName,
unsigned int  lineno

emitted when double clicked on a view item

Message BasicOutputView::message QString  msg  )  [protected]

retrieves line number of message

void BasicOutputView::mousePressEvent QMouseEvent *   )  [protected]

shows context menu

void BasicOutputView::slotClearAllOutputViews  )  [protected, slot]


void BasicOutputView::slotDoubleClicked QListBoxItem *   )  [protected, slot]

called when double clicked on item

void BasicOutputView::slotNextMessage  )  [slot]

selects next message item

void BasicOutputView::slotPrevMessage  )  [slot]

selects next message item

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun May 2 20:02:58 2004 by doxygen 1.3.2