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CUTEScintilla Class Reference

#include <cutescintilla.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  AutoCompletion { Document, TagsFile, None }

Public Member Functions

 CUTEScintilla (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, tagFile *tags=0)
void setActions (QMap< int, QAction * >)
void autoComplete ()
void setAutoCompletionThreshold (int)
void setAutoCompletionSource (AutoCompletion ac)
void setTagsFile (tagFile *t)
QString line (int)

Protected Slots

void slotCharAdded (int)

Protected Member Functions

void autoCompleteFromDocument ()
void autoCompleteFromTagsFile ()
bool eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
void contextMenu (QContextMenuEvent *e)
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e)
void dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *e)
void dropEvent (QDropEvent *e)

Detailed Description

class encapsulating QextScintilla

Member Function Documentation

void CUTEScintilla::autoComplete  ) 

complete current word

QString CUTEScintilla::line int   ) 

retrieves line at given line number

void CUTEScintilla::setActions QMap< int, QAction * >   ) 

set shortcuts, defined in actions

void CUTEScintilla::setAutoCompletionThreshold int   ) 

Sets the threshold for the automatic display of the auto-completion list as the user types to thresh.

void CUTEScintilla::setTagsFile tagFile *  t  )  [inline]

set tags file for auto completion

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Generated on Sun May 2 20:02:58 2004 by doxygen 1.3.2