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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           cuteview.h  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Sam Sep 28 23:53:49 CEST 2002
00005     copyright            : (C) 2002 by Heiko Köhler
00006     email                :
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00018 #ifndef __CUTEVIEW_H__
00019 #define __CUTEVIEW_H__
00021 #include <qextscintillamacro.h>
00022 #include <qcolor.h>
00023 #include <qfile.h>
00024 #include <qaction.h>
00025 #include <qmap.h>
00026 #include <qprocess.h>
00027 #include <qvaluelist.h>
00028 #include <list>
00030 #include "cutescintilla.h"
00032 namespace Config{ class Lexer; }
00035 class ScintillaAction
00036 {
00037 public:
00038     ScintillaAction(unsigned int msg, unsigned long wParam, long lParam);
00039     ScintillaAction(const ScintillaAction& a);
00040     ~ScintillaAction(){
00041         delete[] lParam;
00042     }
00043     unsigned int msg;
00044     unsigned long wParam;
00045     char *lParam;
00046     ScintillaAction &operator=(const ScintillaAction& a);
00047 };
00052 class CUTEView : public QWidget
00053 {
00054   Q_OBJECT
00055 public:
00057     CUTEView(QWidget *parent=0, QString title = "Document", tagFile *tags=0);
00058     ~CUTEView();
00060     void configure();
00062     void sendEditor(unsigned int msg, unsigned long wParam=0, long lParam=0);
00064     bool loadFile(const char *file);
00066     bool reloadFile();
00068     bool saveFile(const char *file=0, bool force=false);
00070     void toggleBookmark(int line);
00072     void addError(int line );
00074     int addBookmark(int line );
00076     void deleteAllErrors();
00078     void findNextBookmark();
00080     void findPrevBookmark();
00082     void insertCommand(QString);
00084     void filter(QString);
00086     void startMacroRecording();
00088     void stopMacroRecording();
00090     void runMacro();
00092     void loadMacro(QString &file);
00094     void saveMacro(QString &file);
00096     bool setMacro(QString);
00098     QString macroString();
00100     bool findFirst(const QString &expr, bool re=false, bool cs=false, bool wo=false, bool wrap=true, bool forward=TRUE, int line=-1, int index=-1);
00102     bool findNext();
00104     bool findPrev();
00106     void setupLexer(const QString&);
00108     void replaceAll(const QString &expr, const QString &replaceStr, bool re, bool cs, bool wo, bool wrap, bool forward=TRUE, bool confirm=false);
00110     bool edited();
00112     bool canUndo();
00114     bool canRedo();
00116     void undo();
00118     void redo();
00120     QString line(int l) { return view->line(l); }
00122     CUTEScintilla* scintilla();
00124     void setActions(QMap<int, QAction*>);
00126     char *fileName() { return filename; }
00128     Config::Lexer *lexer() { return _lexer; }
00130     void setLexer( Config::Lexer *l ) { _lexer = l; }
00132     void getCursorPosition( int &line, int &index );
00134     void getSelection(int &lineFrom,int &indexFrom, int &lineTo,int &indexTo);
00136     void clear();
00138     QValueList<int> bookmarks();
00140     void removeAllBookmarks();
00142     QString langName();
00144     void setFocus() { view->setFocus(); }
00145 protected:
00147     void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
00148 protected slots:
00150     void slotDocumentChanged();
00152     void slotMarginClicked(int margin, int line, Qt::ButtonState state);
00154     void insertStdout();
00156     void processExited();
00158     void recordMacro(unsigned int, unsigned long, long);
00160     void slotCharAdded(int);
00161 signals: 
00162     void save();
00163     void closed(CUTEView *view=0);
00164     void setTabCaption(QWidget *view, QString name);
00165 private:
00166     CUTEScintilla *view;
00167     Config::Lexer *_lexer;
00169     QProcess *proc;
00170     char *filename;
00171     int bookmark, error;
00172     bool recording;
00173     std::list<ScintillaAction> macro;
00174     QString searchString;
00175     bool searchRegExp;
00176     bool searchCaseSensitive;
00177     bool searchWholeWord;
00178     bool searchLineWrap;
00179     bool searchDirection;
00180     bool searching;
00181     QValueList<int> handles;
00182 };
00184 #endif

Generated on Sun May 2 20:02:57 2004 by doxygen 1.3.2