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CUTE Class Reference

#include <cute.h>

Inheritance diagram for CUTE:

List of all members.

Public Slots

void newWindow ()
void statusCallback (int id_)
void slotFileNew ()
void slotFileOpen ()
void slotFileReopen ()
void slotFileChangeWorkingDir ()
void slotFileSave ()
void slotFileSaveAs ()
void slotFileSaveAll ()
void slotFileCloseAll ()
void slotFileClose ()
void slotFileLoadTagsFile ()
void slotFileUnloadTagsFile ()
void slotFilePrint ()
void slotFileQuit ()
void slotEditGotoMatchingBrace ()
void slotEditSelectToMatchingBrace ()
void slotEditUndo ()
void slotEditRedo ()
void slotEditCut ()
void slotEditCopy ()
void slotEditPaste ()
void slotEditDelete ()
void slotEditIndent ()
void slotEditUnindent ()
void slotEditSelectAll ()
void slotEditInsertCommand ()
void slotEditFilter ()
void slotEditBlockComment ()
void slotEditStreamComment ()
void slotSearchFind ()
void slotSearchFindNext ()
void slotSearchFindPrevious ()
void slotSearchFindInFiles ()
void slotSearchReplace ()
void slotSearchGoto ()
void slotSearchFindTag ()
void slotTagContext ()
void slotSearchFindNextTag ()
void slotSearchFindPreviousTag ()
void slotSearchToggleBookmark ()
void slotSearchNextBookmark ()
void slotSearchPrevBookmark ()
void slotSearchRenameBookmark ()
void slotViewToggleCurrentFold ()
void slotViewToggleAllFolds ()
void slotViewWrapLines ()
void slotViewBraceMatch ()
void slotViewToolBar ()
void slotViewCmdToolBar ()
void slotViewSearch ()
void slotViewStatusBar ()
void slotViewFullScreen ()
void slotViewLineNumbers ()
void slotViewWhiteSpaces ()
void slotViewMargin ()
void slotViewFoldMargin ()
void slotViewZoomIn ()
void slotViewZoomOut ()
void slotViewShowMessagePanel ()
void slotViewShowSidePanel ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusCmdBox ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusDir ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusTagsFile ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusPro ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusMessages ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusStdout ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusStderr ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusShell ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusSearch ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusTags ()
void slotViewSwitchFocusDoc ()
void slotToolsCompile ()
void slotToolsBuild ()
void slotToolsGo ()
void slotToolsKill ()
void slotToolsNextMessage ()
void slotToolsPrevMessage ()
void slotProjectNew ()
void slotProjectOpen (QString file=QString::null, bool recentProject=true)
void slotProjectClose (bool closeFiles=true)
void slotProjectOptions ()
void slotOptSettings ()
void slotOptShortcuts ()
void slotOptAutoIndent ()
void slotOptEditPreConfigFile ()
void slotOptEditPostConfigFile ()
void slotOptShowCutercFile ()
void slotOptQtConfig ()
void slotExtraRunScript ()
void slotExtraRunCurrentFile ()
void slotExtraRunPythonString ()
void slotExtraEvalSelection ()
void slotExtraSaveSession ()
void slotExtraLoadSession ()
void slotExtraCloseSession ()
void slotExtraStartMacroRecording ()
void slotExtraStopMacroRecording ()
void slotExtraRunMacro ()
void slotExtraLoadMacro ()
void slotExtraSaveMacro ()
void slotExtraBuildTagsFile ()
void slotWindowsDialog ()
void slotHelpHandbook ()
void slotHelpAbout ()
void slotHelpLicense ()
void slotHelpAboutQt ()
void slotStatusHelpMsg (const QString &text)
void switchStyle (int item)
void switchLineFeed (int item)
void switchTab (int item)
void switchLang (int item)
void updateViews ()
void execCmd (QString cmd=QString::null)
void evalCmdParameter ()
void slotCursorPositionChanged (int line, int pos)
void slotUpdateBookmarksMenu ()
void slotGotoBookmark (int id)
void addRecentFile (QString file)
void addRecentProject (QString file, bool mustExists=true)
void configure ()
void slotClearAllOutputViews ()
void addTool (char *name, char *cute_command)
void addPythonTool (QAction *action)
void updateEditActions ()
void findTag (QString file, QString pattern)
void closeAllViews ()


void killProcess ()

Public Member Functions

 CUTE ()
 ~CUTE ()
void initLangMenu ()
void initActions ()
void initEditActions ()
void initMenuBar ()
void initToolBar ()
void initStatusBar ()
void initDoc ()
void initView ()
bool loadFile (const QString &, bool recentFile=false, bool showDialogs=true)
bool queryExit ()
void printOutput (std::string str)
void clearOutput ()
void setSession (const char *str)
void saveSession ()
void loadSession (QString file)
void filter (QString cmd)
void insertCommand (QString cmd)
void tagContext (QString filename, QString pattern)
void tagContext (QString filename, int tagline)
void tagOutputAppend (QString filename, QString *lines, int line)

Protected Slots

void activateWindow (QWidget *pWnd)
void readyReadGrepStdout ()
void readStdout ()
void readStderr ()
void slotProcessExited ()
void slotProcessKilled ()
void slotJump (QString fileName, unsigned int lineno, bool mark=true)
void updateRecentFilesMenu ()
void openRecentFile (int item)
void updateRecentProjectsMenu ()
void openRecentProject (int item)
void slotLoadFile (const QString &)
void slotLastChildViewClosed ()
void autoComplete ()
void findSelection ()
void enterSelection ()
void findTag (TagPosition tag)
void slotLangConfigFileMenu (int item)
void updateViewMenu ()
void updateActions ()
void loadFileFromDir (const QString &)
void loadTags (QString file=QString::null)
void loadProjectFile (ProjectFile *)
void loadProjectFile (QString)
void setupEnvironment (QString oldConfig=QString::null)
void addProjectFile (CUTEView *view)
void switchLang (QString name)
void updateProject (CUTEView *, bool loadFile=false)
void slotModificationChanged ()

Protected Member Functions

void showEvent (QShowEvent *e)
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
QPopupMenu * createLangConfigFileMenu ()
void setMessagePanelVisibility (bool)
void setSidePanelVisibility (bool)
bool isMessagePanelVisible ()
bool isSidePanelVisible ()
void updateCaption ()


class SaveDlg
class CUTEScintilla
class CmdInterpreter
class Shortcuts
void API::initcute ()
PyObject * API::activateView (PyObject *, PyObject *)
PyObject * API::viewList (PyObject *, PyObject *)

Detailed Description

This Class is the base class for your application. It sets up the main window and providing a menubar, toolbar and statusbar. For the main view, an instance of class CUTE is created which creates your view.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation





Member Function Documentation

void CUTE::activateWindow QWidget *  pWnd  )  [protected, slot]

called when view is activted

void CUTE::addProjectFile CUTEView view  )  [protected, slot]

adds a file to project

void CUTE::addPythonTool QAction *  action  )  [slot]

adds item to tools menu

void CUTE::addRecentFile QString  file  )  [slot]

add a entry in the recent document menu

void CUTE::addRecentProject QString  file,
bool  mustExists = true

add a entry in the recent project menu

void CUTE::addTool char *  name,
char *  cute_command

adds item to tools menu

void CUTE::clearOutput  ) 

clears output view

void CUTE::closeAllViews  )  [slot]

called when all child views are closed

void CUTE::closeEvent QCloseEvent *  e  )  [protected]

handle close event

void CUTE::configure  )  [slot]

sets all configurations

QPopupMenu* CUTE::createLangConfigFileMenu  )  [protected]

creates menu with language config file entries

void CUTE::evalCmdParameter  )  [slot]

evaluates the command parameter and maybe loads some f

void CUTE::execCmd QString  cmd = QString::null  )  [slot]

executes a command from the command line

void CUTE::filter QString  cmd  ) 

filters selection with a shell command

void CUTE::findTag QString  file,
QString  pattern

jumps to given position/pattern in given file

void CUTE::initActions  ) 

initialize all QActions for the tool and menubars

void CUTE::initDoc  ) 

setup the document

void CUTE::initEditActions  ) 

initalize all scintilla edit actions

void CUTE::initLangMenu  ) 

initalizes all lexers

void CUTE::initMenuBar  ) 

initMenuBar creates the menu_bar and inserts the menuitems

void CUTE::initStatusBar  ) 

setup the statusbar

void CUTE::initToolBar  ) 

this creates the toolbars. Change the toobar look and add new toolbars in this function

void CUTE::initView  ) 

setup the mainview

void CUTE::insertCommand QString  cmd  ) 

insert output of a shell command at current cursor position

bool CUTE::isMessagePanelVisible  )  [protected]

checks message panel visibility

bool CUTE::isSidePanelVisible  )  [protected]

checks side panel visibility

bool CUTE::loadFile const QString &  ,
bool  recentFile = false,
bool  showDialogs = true

loads a file

void CUTE::loadFileFromDir const QString &   )  [protected, slot]

loads a file from dir docklet

void CUTE::loadProjectFile QString   )  [protected, slot]

same as above, opens a file of a project

void CUTE::loadProjectFile ProjectFile *   )  [protected, slot]

opens a file of a project

void CUTE::loadSession QString  file  ) 

loads all files in session and bookmarks etc...

void CUTE::loadTags QString  file = QString::null  )  [protected, slot]

load tags file and generate tag tree

void CUTE::newWindow  )  [inline, slot]

creates a new file

void CUTE::printOutput std::string  str  ) 

writes string to output view

bool CUTE::queryExit  ) 

overloaded for Message box on last window exit

void CUTE::readStderr  )  [protected, slot]

read from stderr of sub process

void CUTE::readStdout  )  [protected, slot]

read from stdout of sub process

void CUTE::readyReadGrepStdout  )  [protected, slot]

there are characters ready to read from stdout

void CUTE::saveSession  ) 

saves all names of loaded files bookmarks etc...

void CUTE::setMessagePanelVisibility bool   )  [protected]

show/hide message panel

void CUTE::setSession const char *  str  )  [inline]

sets the session`s file name

void CUTE::setSidePanelVisibility bool   )  [protected]

show/hide side panel

void CUTE::setupEnvironment QString  oldConfig = QString::null  )  [protected, slot]

sets environments of CUTE and sub processes

void CUTE::showEvent QShowEvent *  e  )  [protected]

handle show event

void CUTE::slotClearAllOutputViews  )  [slot]

clears message, stdout and stderr view

void CUTE::slotCursorPositionChanged int  line,
int  pos

changes the status bar

void CUTE::slotEditBlockComment  )  [slot]

block un/comment

void CUTE::slotEditCopy  )  [slot]

put the marked text/object into the clipboard

void CUTE::slotEditCut  )  [slot]

put the marked text/object into the clipboard and remove it from the document

void CUTE::slotEditDelete  )  [slot]

remove the marked text/object from the document

void CUTE::slotEditFilter  )  [slot]

filter selected text with a shell command

void CUTE::slotEditGotoMatchingBrace  )  [slot]

jums to the matching brace

void CUTE::slotEditIndent  )  [slot]

indents selected text

void CUTE::slotEditInsertCommand  )  [slot]

insert output of a shell command

void CUTE::slotEditPaste  )  [slot]

paste the clipboard into the document

void CUTE::slotEditRedo  )  [slot]

redo the last undone text operation

void CUTE::slotEditSelectAll  )  [slot]

select all

void CUTE::slotEditSelectToMatchingBrace  )  [slot]

selects to the matching brace

void CUTE::slotEditStreamComment  )  [slot]

stream un/comment

void CUTE::slotEditUndo  )  [slot]

undo the last text operation

void CUTE::slotEditUnindent  )  [slot]

unindents selected text

void CUTE::slotExtraBuildTagsFile  )  [slot]

builds ctags file of all sourcefiles in current dir

void CUTE::slotExtraCloseSession  )  [slot]

unloads all files of current session

void CUTE::slotExtraEvalSelection  )  [slot]

runs the selection with built-in python interpreter

void CUTE::slotExtraLoadMacro  )  [slot]

shows an open dialog and loads current macro

void CUTE::slotExtraLoadSession  )  [slot]

loads a session

void CUTE::slotExtraRunCurrentFile  )  [slot]

runs the current file

void CUTE::slotExtraRunMacro  )  [slot]

runs recorded macro

void CUTE::slotExtraRunPythonString  )  [slot]

runs a python command

void CUTE::slotExtraRunScript  )  [slot]

runs a CUTE/Python script

void CUTE::slotExtraSaveMacro  )  [slot]

shows an save dialog and saves current macro

void CUTE::slotExtraSaveSession  )  [slot]

saves the current session in a CUTE/python script

void CUTE::slotExtraStartMacroRecording  )  [slot]

starts macro recording

void CUTE::slotExtraStopMacroRecording  )  [slot]

stops macro recording

void CUTE::slotFileChangeWorkingDir  )  [slot]

change working dir

void CUTE::slotFileClose  )  [slot]

close the actual file

void CUTE::slotFileCloseAll  )  [slot]

close all files

void CUTE::slotFileLoadTagsFile  )  [slot]

loads tag file

void CUTE::slotFileNew  )  [slot]

generate a new document in the actual view

void CUTE::slotFileOpen  )  [slot]

open a document

void CUTE::slotFilePrint  )  [slot]

print the actual file

void CUTE::slotFileQuit  )  [slot]

exits the application

void CUTE::slotFileReopen  )  [slot]

reopens a file

void CUTE::slotFileSave  )  [slot]

save a document

void CUTE::slotFileSaveAll  )  [slot]

Saves all loaded documents

void CUTE::slotFileSaveAs  )  [slot]

save a document under a different filename

void CUTE::slotFileUnloadTagsFile  )  [slot]

unloads tag file

void CUTE::slotGotoBookmark int  id  )  [slot]

jumps to selected bookmark

void CUTE::slotHelpAbout  )  [slot]

shows an about dlg

void CUTE::slotHelpAboutQt  )  [slot]

shows the about Qt dlg

void CUTE::slotHelpHandbook  )  [slot]

show online documentation

void CUTE::slotHelpLicense  )  [slot]

shows the license dlg

void CUTE::slotJump QString  fileName,
unsigned int  lineno,
bool  mark = true
[protected, slot]

jump to given line in given file and marks line when third arg is true

void CUTE::slotModificationChanged  )  [protected, slot]

called when modification state of current view has changed

void CUTE::slotOptAutoIndent  )  [slot]

auto indent

void CUTE::slotOptEditPostConfigFile  )  [slot]

opens the post config file

void CUTE::slotOptEditPreConfigFile  )  [slot]

opens the pre config file

void CUTE::slotOptQtConfig  )  [slot]

executes qtconfig

void CUTE::slotOptSettings  )  [slot]

shows settings dialog

void CUTE::slotOptShortcuts  )  [slot]

show shortcut dialog

void CUTE::slotOptShowCutercFile  )  [slot]

shows read-only ~/.cuterc file

void CUTE::slotProcessExited  )  [protected, slot]

called when sub process exited

void CUTE::slotProcessKilled  )  [protected, slot]

called when sub process is killed

void CUTE::slotProjectClose bool  closeFiles = true  )  [slot]

closes a project

void CUTE::slotProjectNew  )  [slot]

creates a new project

void CUTE::slotProjectOpen QString  file = QString::null,
bool  recentProject = true

opens a project file

void CUTE::slotProjectOptions  )  [slot]

shows the project options dialog

void CUTE::slotSearchFind  )  [slot]

shows the find dialog

void CUTE::slotSearchFindInFiles  )  [slot]

searches a string in each file of a directory

void CUTE::slotSearchFindNext  )  [slot]

redo the last find operation

void CUTE::slotSearchFindNextTag  )  [slot]

jumps to next tag position

void CUTE::slotSearchFindPrevious  )  [slot]

finds the previous matching

void CUTE::slotSearchFindPreviousTag  )  [slot]

jumps back to previous tag position

void CUTE::slotSearchFindTag  )  [slot]

finds selected tag(s)

void CUTE::slotSearchGoto  )  [slot]

go to the given line

void CUTE::slotSearchNextBookmark  )  [slot]

find next bookmark

void CUTE::slotSearchPrevBookmark  )  [slot]

find previous bookmark

void CUTE::slotSearchRenameBookmark  )  [slot]

renames the bookmark at the current line

void CUTE::slotSearchReplace  )  [slot]

replaces all matching string

void CUTE::slotSearchToggleBookmark  )  [slot]

toggle a bookmark at the current line

void CUTE::slotStatusHelpMsg const QString &  text  )  [slot]

change the status message of the whole statusbar temporary

void CUTE::slotTagContext  )  [slot]

view selected tag(s)

void CUTE::slotToolsBuild  )  [slot]

run makefile

void CUTE::slotToolsCompile  )  [slot]

compile current file

void CUTE::slotToolsGo  )  [slot]

run the application

void CUTE::slotToolsKill  )  [slot]

kills the current process

void CUTE::slotToolsNextMessage  )  [slot]

jumps to next message

void CUTE::slotToolsPrevMessage  )  [slot]

jumps to previous message

void CUTE::slotUpdateBookmarksMenu  )  [slot]

creates the bookmark menu

void CUTE::slotViewBraceMatch  )  [slot]

brace match

void CUTE::slotViewCmdToolBar  )  [slot]

toggle the toolbar

void CUTE::slotViewFoldMargin  )  [slot]

toggle fold margin

void CUTE::slotViewFullScreen  )  [slot]

toggle full screen mode

void CUTE::slotViewLineNumbers  )  [slot]

toggle line numbers

void CUTE::slotViewMargin  )  [slot]

toggle margin

void CUTE::slotViewSearch  )  [slot]

shows the search view

void CUTE::slotViewShowMessagePanel  )  [slot]

hide/show all bottom docklets

void CUTE::slotViewShowSidePanel  )  [slot]

hide/show all side docklets

void CUTE::slotViewStatusBar  )  [slot]

toggle the statusbar

void CUTE::slotViewToggleAllFolds  )  [slot]

toggle all folds

void CUTE::slotViewToggleCurrentFold  )  [slot]

toggle current fold

void CUTE::slotViewToolBar  )  [slot]

toggle the toolbar

void CUTE::slotViewWhiteSpaces  )  [slot]

toggle white spaces

void CUTE::slotViewWrapLines  )  [slot]

wraps all lines

void CUTE::slotViewZoomIn  )  [slot]

zoom in

void CUTE::slotViewZoomOut  )  [slot]

zoom out

void CUTE::slotWindowsDialog  )  [slot]

shows the window Dialog

void CUTE::statusCallback int  id_  )  [slot]

switch argument for Statusbar help entries on slot selection

void CUTE::switchLang QString  name  )  [protected, slot]

switch language of current view to that one given

void CUTE::switchLang int  item  )  [slot]

called when item in language menu is activated

void CUTE::switchLineFeed int  item  )  [slot]

called when item in line feed menu is activated

void CUTE::switchStyle int  item  )  [slot]

called when item in style menu is activated

void CUTE::switchTab int  item  )  [slot]

called when item in tab menu is activated

void CUTE::tagContext QString  filename,
QString  pattern

append to tag output

void CUTE::updateActions  )  [protected, slot]

en/disable some actions

void CUTE::updateCaption  )  [protected]

sets CUTE's caption

void CUTE::updateEditActions  )  [slot]

updates all shortcuts in views

void CUTE::updateProject CUTEView ,
bool  loadFile = false
[protected, slot]

update file in project

void CUTE::updateViewMenu  )  [protected, slot]

update viewShowMessagePanel and viewShowSidePanel when view menu is about to be shown

void CUTE::updateViews  )  [slot]

Update all windows in order to apply config changes

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun May 2 20:02:58 2004 by doxygen 1.3.2